Getting Started With CANVAS

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Canada canvas is an online learning environment that provides students with a password-protected virtual classroom, discussion boards, chat rooms, and centralized email. Just like a face-to-face course, the tools and methods used in a Canvas class vary depending on the content and delivery methodology of the instructor.

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Creating an account with CANVAS is free and simple. It allows you to register for a variety of courses from many different colleges and universities across Canada, and gives you access to the full range of learning tools available through Canvas.

Your Canvas Account

The first step to getting started is to set up your profile and notification settings. This will help you stay on top of what’s happening in your Canvas course and keep you informed about important information that may affect your performance.

Your Dashboard

The Canvas Dashboard is a great place to see everything you need to know about your Canvas course. It shows you your assignments, quiz results, grades, communication, and any other information that’s important to you.

Your Profile and Notifications

Once you’ve set up your profile, it’s time to update your notifications. This will allow you to receive notifications when your friends and classmates are posting new comments or responding to your questions.

Your Student Guides

We have created a series of Student Guides to help you learn about the tools and techniques that are available through Canvas. Each of these guides focuses on one aspect of using Canvas, so you can get familiar with the tools that are most relevant to you as a student.